09-27-2022, 10:10 AM
cool! your rendering skills have definitely leveled up, the back on the skater dude is looking great! Excited to see some of those WIPs finished. If I could suggest one thing, generally I enjoy seeing a strong effect of light and shadow where things really feel like light of a certain color is hitting them, or that things are really in shadow. It adds a lot of mood to pieces. Your WIPs have a lot of different, fun lighting situations, but there's definitely more that could be done to push the lighting further so the warthog piece really reads as sunset, or the grim reaper piece really feels like lantern light for example.
Would just be nice to see you push that since I think you favor more general, diffused lighting for characters.
Would just be nice to see you push that since I think you favor more general, diffused lighting for characters.