11-09-2022, 05:00 AM
(11-08-2022, 01:21 PM)JosephCow Wrote: Yeah, I'll give it a go!
Basically you I think you need to consider the volume more. The major mistake in the first one is you have the arm coming out to the side, when it needs to come towards the camera. Try drawing the arm as a tube, making the ellipses wider to make it appear to be pointing at us, and narrower to make it pointing more to the side.
It takes practice so don't worry. The other thing to practice is the gesture. The gesture is basically just how contrary parts relate to each other, the balance of the figure, and how lines flow into one another. So in this one the rib cage tilts up and faces right, and the pelvis tilts down and faces front.
Then lastly, one thing that helps me is to draw figures on some kind of surface or ground plane. It gets me thinking about the feet and legs being planted in space, rather than just shapes that are floating.
The second one looks pretty good, but again check out the foreshortening. The legs should be a bit shorter, and drawn with ellipses that are more circular to show we are looking down at them, not straight on.
Hope this helps!
Hey thank you so much for writing this out, Joseph. This is incredibly helpful!