12-19-2022, 09:24 PM
Hey there. It's been forever - 8 years actually - since I looked in my sketchbook. Having been to other social media platforms and never really found a happy place, I decided to come all the way back here and try posting in my ancient sketchbook again. I made some decent progress over the years but it could have been more drastic I'd say. Feedback and a regular "posting schedule" did help me back in the day and I hope I can get back to it, improve even more, work out the kinks and become the illustrator I want to be. Honestly I've been slacking, life got in the way of my goals and I just want back on that hardcore art journey train. Nothing toxic, nothing unhealthy, but some good old hard work to overcome mediocrity. I hope there is still a place for that here and I hope someone out there is with me or finds what I post helpful or whatever. Cheers
Here's a small photo study I did recently just to paint something
Here's a small photo study I did recently just to paint something