12-24-2022, 02:22 PM
darktiste: Excellent suggestion regarding the background blur on the lower right, just implemented it. Thank you kindly for your suggestions and well wishes, wishing you all the best for 2023 and beyond!
CBinnsIllustration: Thanks for your suggestions! I agree about the rim light so I just refined that aspect. As for the leg, that's a bit of a stylistic choice as I prefer to exaggerate the gestures a bit for some added movement, hopefully it's not too distracting but I appreciate the suggestions!
darktiste: I think I could probably warp it with the liquify tool if needed, but I don't think it's too distracting and I prefer it more curved as opposed to stiff.
Cruptic: Thank you! Your feedback was excellent as well! I refined the bow a bit, added more detail and tried to give it more of a 3D look. I admit I should have spent more time conceptualizing it further as I rushed it a bit, but hopefully it works better now!
Regarding the 'blur' on the main character, I think it's because I tend to add a fantasy-esque 'glow' to my images to help unite the figure with the background, but because it appears too blurry I suppose I'm overdoing it a bit, so I'll be sure to dial that down in the future. I refined the character to restore some of her sharpness as well.
I agree about the lighting as well, and I have a bad habit of tending to forget the drop shadows, need to work on this. With that said, I just added it to the areas mentioned and it looks much more natural now, so thanks for your suggestion. All your feedback was ridiculously helpful and made for a better image, so thank you kindly for your honesty and critique!
I did some final adjustments to the image, I'm calling it done for now as I spent quite some time on it and am ready to move on to another illustration. Here is the final:
Next up is a new illustration featuring a witch. Always wanted to paint one so I went ahead and sketched out the scene. I want this image to be highly detailed full of life, so I spent quite some time with the linework and general environment as well. I'm pretty happy with it overall, but any feedback prior to beginning some color tests would be most appreciated!
CBinnsIllustration: Thanks for your suggestions! I agree about the rim light so I just refined that aspect. As for the leg, that's a bit of a stylistic choice as I prefer to exaggerate the gestures a bit for some added movement, hopefully it's not too distracting but I appreciate the suggestions!
darktiste: I think I could probably warp it with the liquify tool if needed, but I don't think it's too distracting and I prefer it more curved as opposed to stiff.
Cruptic: Thank you! Your feedback was excellent as well! I refined the bow a bit, added more detail and tried to give it more of a 3D look. I admit I should have spent more time conceptualizing it further as I rushed it a bit, but hopefully it works better now!
Regarding the 'blur' on the main character, I think it's because I tend to add a fantasy-esque 'glow' to my images to help unite the figure with the background, but because it appears too blurry I suppose I'm overdoing it a bit, so I'll be sure to dial that down in the future. I refined the character to restore some of her sharpness as well.
I agree about the lighting as well, and I have a bad habit of tending to forget the drop shadows, need to work on this. With that said, I just added it to the areas mentioned and it looks much more natural now, so thanks for your suggestion. All your feedback was ridiculously helpful and made for a better image, so thank you kindly for your honesty and critique!
I did some final adjustments to the image, I'm calling it done for now as I spent quite some time on it and am ready to move on to another illustration. Here is the final:
Next up is a new illustration featuring a witch. Always wanted to paint one so I went ahead and sketched out the scene. I want this image to be highly detailed full of life, so I spent quite some time with the linework and general environment as well. I'm pretty happy with it overall, but any feedback prior to beginning some color tests would be most appreciated!