Look what the Sonoran wind just blew in!
Thanks Dark and George.  

Glad you like the designs George.  I have been working a lot on my technique — so I'm happy if that's coming through!

Thanks again


Looks like I'm gonna get a few more images posted here as we wind down 2022.  Seems like I just wrote that back in 2021....

[Image: tongue.png]

Here's a new one I finally got around to finishing (I'd posted a couple of WIPS of it back on page 3 here).

And a new WIP of a sketch (I posted on page 5).  This is very rough test and things will likely change a lot as I dial it in.

Here's a look at my finished, personal digital paintings (not counting sketches and WIPS) from 2022.  Including today's — I managed to post an even dozen this year here on CD.

Just landed a good commission that will pay OK when completed — and the promise of of more work down the road — so I plan to work like a mad-man on it to make sure I get the other work.

As encouragement to everyone else here painting/drawing their fingers to the bone — one of the things he cited about choosing me for the project — is the attention to detail he saw on the art I share on-line.  

[Image: sun.png]

That commission might slow me down from posting here but I'll try to look in and comment on ever'body's SBs when I have a moment.


Anywho — hope you've had a GREAT year and 2023 will bring you VERY good things!!


Oh — forgot to say I've been pleased to find that some of you CD peeps visited my video flip-book even though I only can post a link.    It went from around 100 views to 350 since I posted the link on the last page.

Here it is again for anyone interested.



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RE: Look what the Sonoran wind just blew in! NOW IN 5G!! - by Jephyr - 12-30-2022, 10:43 AM

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