01-08-2023, 03:45 PM
Darktiste: Thank you, that's great to hear! I do think in terms of values the snow flattened the image a bit, so I just duplicated the background and set it to 'overlay' to give it a bit more contrast. Great point regarding the tattoo, but in this case I'm going for something more fantastical and less realistic, so I'm fine with the slightly oversaturated look for the tattoo. Great feedback as always!
CBinnsIllustration: Thank you! I think the slightly blurry look is due to the snow, which I slightly blurred as to not over sharpen it as it would take away from the characters. Excellent point regarding the shoulder fur, just implemented your feedback and it looks much more natural now, thank you for the suggestion and paintover!
I did some minor revisions to the image, added some subtle contrast in the background and added a gold 'rim' on the shoulder area as suggested to separate the fur more. Great suggestions from everyone!
Next I finished up a sketch depicting 'Apollo and Daphne' from Greek Mythology. The figures were referenced from Satine Zillah's awesome reference photography. I'm trying to go with a classical feel for this one, hopefully I can pull it off! Any feedback before I begin work on some color tests would be appreciated as always!
CBinnsIllustration: Thank you! I think the slightly blurry look is due to the snow, which I slightly blurred as to not over sharpen it as it would take away from the characters. Excellent point regarding the shoulder fur, just implemented your feedback and it looks much more natural now, thank you for the suggestion and paintover!
I did some minor revisions to the image, added some subtle contrast in the background and added a gold 'rim' on the shoulder area as suggested to separate the fur more. Great suggestions from everyone!
Next I finished up a sketch depicting 'Apollo and Daphne' from Greek Mythology. The figures were referenced from Satine Zillah's awesome reference photography. I'm trying to go with a classical feel for this one, hopefully I can pull it off! Any feedback before I begin work on some color tests would be appreciated as always!