Crimson CHOW #42 - Elemental Whisperer
Lege, nice job; the background has an appropriately ethereal feel to it. Also wow, you cranked out those other two fast. Salamander is properly metal.

LeoKi, I'm pretty sure the word "conjured" implies physically summoning the creature, so no worries. I like those sketches with the earth golem setting up Stonehenge, and the elementalist's doll is strangely cute. And I'm glad you share my dislike of garden gnomes, LOL.

CBinns, I noticed that you tend to put in a lot of those little details, and I always like finding them. Looking forward to the update!

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RE: Crimson CHOW #42 - Elemental Whisperer - by Pubic Enemy - 02-16-2023, 08:30 AM

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