02-28-2023, 10:14 AM
I like the latest piece! Her face is very nice and I love the Trojan horse! I did want to call out a few things that stick out to me that may or may not help. I would have showed a little more variance in the shading on her dress pleats. Having areas of 1 tone darker would really give it more depth and while there I would give the pleats some flattening where the helmet looks to be pressing against her. I would take some curtains and press against the pleating, you can see it flattens and tracts the folds in areas. Due to what looks to be your main light source I would adjust the shadows on her arm and where the casts handle of the other arm hits her dress. And maybe a little cast shadow on her face from her hair may help too. Did a really crude PO to help show where i meant. And maybe a little more shading on the necklace as it looks a little disconnected from her at the minute. But just my 2 cents though, great work once again. What you doing next?