Crimson CHOW #42 - Elemental Whisperer
Thank you Chris!

Your recomposition is awesomely dynamic!

It also touches on some of my early doubts, namely that I wanted the whisperer to face the golem in a controlling stance, except that I cannot do that in a single illustration if I want to show more than the whisperer's back. In a comic I can navigate the scene. Frustrated I was, still am.

Funny that you mention the aliens, I was thinking of prefacing the concept with "Contrarily to the widely accepted belief that alien technology erected this monument, we now have proof of the historical truth."

I'll keep digging for possibilities. Thank you again for everything!


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RE: Crimson CHOW #42 - Elemental Whisperer - by Leo Ki - 03-02-2023, 01:44 PM

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