Look what the Sonoran wind just blew in!
Hiya PE and Leo,

I KNOW I've been AWOL from Daggers — hope you both and ALL the Daggers had a great 2023!

Thank you both so much for the kind words — (loving that phrase Quadzilla PE!  [Image: tongue.png] ) and for being accepting of my...err...story telling. [Image: thumbsup.png]

That client ultimately began to give me the runaround, PE, but he paid for my work up front so I'm not complaining at all about that.

I took a lot of time off from making personal art and uploading here to perform with a band (something I hadn't done in YEARS) — and did a LOT of photography, YouTube/Vimeo thumbnails and PowerPoints for a group over the last year. 

That all was VERY time consuming and I just got back in the last 2 months to making personal art and it was like opening the flood-gates of creativity for me!

Thanks again to both of you for commenting!


In no particular order here's some stuff I finished or am working on over the last couple of months since I got back to arting — I call this first one Invasion and it's based off an old sketch I drew.

Here's an early color test of that (I was still working on the character design)

A work in progress ('Liquid Courage')

Was commissioned to do this photo study of a 'kid in a zoot suit' <you can find the original photo with a search using that term) I made the kid a little less chubby and a bit older than the photo

A digital 'sketchy' update of a character I did in my 'real-world'  sketchbook a while back.

And a color version I just finished

Liked that concept enough I put him on a bike.  I don't do a lot of mechanical stuff so this was a fun challenge I will do more of

I did a sketch AGES ago and just found it and reworked it a bit and added a color test and a quick photo-bash background — definitely a work in progress but the concept makes me smile

And three more character designs painted over old sketches — the first one a rough WIP and the other two quick color versions  in similar styles I'll call done


That'll do it for today.  I spent a lot of the last two days updating my website and feel kinda spent — but as soon as possible I'll look around and comment in my fellow Daggers sketchbooks

Ciao fer now


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RE: Look what the Sonoran wind just blew in! - by Jephyr - 12-14-2023, 10:21 AM

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