Crimson CHOW Challenge #51 - The Bone Weaver

The Bone Weaver is a shamanistic figure who collects the bones of fallen creatures and weaves them into powerful talismans or even re-animated warriors. Design your best interpretation of how this character might look. Feel free to include visuals of the talismans, or re-animated warriors / creatures. 

Below I have included a Marko D'jurdjevic image for inspiration. 

Contest Rules:

  • You must post at least one WIP in the WIP thread to be accepted into the final poll.
  • Finals must be posted in the finals thread before the deadline.
  • Only ONE submission per person in the finals thread.
  • Must be original work created for the challenge.
  • Work may be 2D or 3D*
  • Voting will be held for 5 days after the deadline.
  • In an event of a tiebreaker, a winner will be chosen through a randomized name picker.

*Rules for CHOW forbade the use of purchased or downloaded assets not created by you. However, since using them for environment concepts is so commonplace and expected nowadays, particularly for trees, rocks, vegetation and so on, I think this is permissible for 'generic' elements.
Deadline is Monday, May 20th, 2024 @UTC: 23:59
 -+|| WIP THREAD ||+-

To all artists struggling to create and are intimidated by A.I. (anti-imagination)
Sun "Everything has been done, but not by you" Sun

Messages In This Thread
Crimson CHOW Challenge #51 - The Bone Weaver - by Lege1 - 04-30-2024, 09:12 AM

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