Crimson CHOW Challenge #51 - The Bone Weaver
TrashPanda: More often than less reality checks are good, but don't let them hinder your progress, or even worse, discourage you from producing anything at all. Try focusing less on comparing yourself to others and perfectionism as a whole, and just do something that you enjoy. Just letting go and blocking out all the little voices in your head will often let you do some of your best work; there are no art police coming for you if you do something not so great, just maybe a few comments of how you can improve from the great group we have in the forum here. 

That is the way, just do as much and the best you can, nobody could ask or expect anything more of you, and anything is better nothing at all. I understand the souless corporate job and hopefully you can find a way to make that situation better in your life; I have definitely worked my fare share of them along with being un-employed for very long periods of time which is just as miserable and often quite terrifyin, so I do understand, and am sure some of the others do too.

Thank you and I'm glad you liked my idea, and no, I had no idea about that MTG character, but I will check it out now to see what you are talking about. YES! Great idea with the claw just a little too in the foreground for me with what you did there, but I love the over all idea. I have posted my final in the finals thread. Thanks for that input, it defintiely helped jazz up the image some in my strong opinion!

Damien Levs: Thank you and I'm very glad you feel that way about my values, I have battled with values for many, many years, and really try to continue pushing their limits to make my images better. I have posted in the finals thread and yes to the magic for sure man!

Also, your piece is coming along great! It could be the wife of my character =) When all else fails with struggling with things like the legs or anything else, either fall back and try to create or find some reference, or do some studies to better understand what it is you are trying to draw. I'm glad to see you have a plan on how you are managing your time in order to bring this to final. Keep up the great work and definitely consider grounding the character with a little background if only just simply applied.

To all artists struggling to create and are intimidated by A.I. (anti-imagination)
Sun "Everything has been done, but not by you" Sun

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RE: Crimson CHOW Challenge #51 - The Bone Weaver - by Lege1 - 05-17-2024, 08:56 PM

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