Crimson CHOW Challenge #51 - The Bone Weaver
Trash Panda: Yes, I'm a big believer in just trying to constantly work on foundational concepts of image making while just letting go to stay productive and do best. It's basically the idea of trying to learn the academic rules so well that you can successfully break them to some extent and actually enjoy the process of image making. It's so sad to see so many visual creatives quit or go on long hiatuses because the overall process and over thinking stresses them out, and yes, thank you again for the comp idea with the creatures front right foot forward, I def decided to go with it.

Sergio Toppi is great, and that is awesome you are studying his work, you will def get some great ideas and possibly learn some cool techniques and composition from his work; I should start looking at his work more myself. What you have going right now is really cool and I love the creature that has been added into the illustration. Definitely looking forward to see how you conclude this indeed.

RottenPocket: I just saw your final in the finals thread and WOW! Looks absolutely awesome! Really great work there and regardless with what you noted in your bottom caption there, it came out really amazing! You continue to be a big inspiration to want to get back to working traditionally, it's just so hard after working digitally for so long; I feel lazy and spoiled in that respect. Great work!

To all artists struggling to create and are intimidated by A.I. (anti-imagination)
Sun "Everything has been done, but not by you" Sun

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RE: Crimson CHOW Challenge #51 - The Bone Weaver - by Lege1 - 05-19-2024, 12:54 PM

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