Crimson CHOW Challenge #51 - The Bone Weaver
@trashpanda I’m really liking your concept, the 3d elements you proposed for the scene is quite compelling and I would have loved to have seen the scene fleshed out with her being that size in your mock up. Nice work for sure!

@Damien I think you have some really great sketches, I saw you final submission and it’s great, if I would give one bit of advise it would be to take your own intuition with more due diligence, by this mean in regards to your remarks about anatomical issues you see in your piece like her forearm. It’s half the battle already to spot your own issues, you could have maybe used some 3d posing software to help with that arm to get a close reference to help with the pieces that are bugging you. I’m not a fan of reference myself but I will seek out a bit of help if I find myself redrawing the same limp a dozen times lol. But great work keep it up. 

@ Rotten as usual your piece is well structured, thought-out, executed and nailed the brief. I really liked your final piece, I almost gave me  a clicker vibe from the last of us mix with a bit of Pans Labyrinth. Not totally sure why but that’s where my brain went when I saw it :)

@Lege again your enthusiasm in this forum is contagious and I love it. Nice work on your submission, you nailed the brief also and I love the design all around. My favorite part being the hands and the little light you bounced of those fingers and palm…really nice touch and really catches the eye.

You ask about my remark about my thumbnail process, so when I saw start with 50% black I essentially just start with a grey background and I throw down blacks, whites and carve out what I’m seeing in my brain, but this allows be to keep composition, lighting and interesting silhouettes in mind when I thinking about the overall piece. It’s like a shortcut at times to be able fast track and be able to get close to your final vision quicker, and like @darktiste said your brain fills in the gaps. This allows you to very quickly decide if this is something you want to flesh out or not. Generally I take about 5 minutes to due the initial, then I things are looking interesting I give it about 15 more minutes (speed keeps it loose) and then move on until I have about 4-6 ideas.

 This is an example of that below, I took one of Damien’s sketches (I hope you don’t mind but it was a inspiring sketch)  as an example of how I kind of throw the block shading on to make things interesting. I would not take it any further than this until I had a few more.


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RE: Crimson CHOW Challenge #51 - The Bone Weaver - by CBinnsIllustration - 05-20-2024, 02:46 PM

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