Crimson CHOW #52 - The Learned Observer
Lookin good guys, Lege I had a small blast from the past when I saw your snap turtle sketch.
Back then I watched tons of FZD during work so its nice to see people keeping the tradition alive.

CB I really like the rendering especially the usage of white for the highlights and the texture indications
Whenever I try to use white tones it often looks off or out of place.

RottenPocket thanks for the cool briefing! 
Im curious how this sketch is going to look in the final stages.

So this week I was really sick and could barely even stay awake to read or to do anything.
Today I felt a bit better and tried to roughly sketch my first ideas down.
Since the briefing is so vague in a good way I decided to go for smth more surreal based
on the old alchemy world. 
Back then people where really eager to find out the "prima materia" - first matter - first material.
I plan to visualize the expirments of a alchemist who is done exploring the planet earth and plans to
discover more about the first matter in the skies. 
Based on the idea of a giant beanstalk from the fairy tale Jack and the beanstalk,
 the alchemist is developing a potion which enhances the growth of plants. 
In order to create the potion certain plants and flower have to be extracted, per exctraction
a new sigil is revealed. Once all sigils are revealed the beanstalk is able to grow into the sky.

I found this cool site about certain formulars from science

Im going to meetup with a friend who works as a theoretical physic to derive the barometic
formular to create a foundation for the world.
With this information I have a better foundation how the vegetation is going to look like
with less / more air pressure, oxygen etc. on top I also get a better idea what 
tools where used to extract materials and measure air pressure.

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RE: Crimson CHOW #52 - The Learned Observer - by TrashPanda - 06-03-2024, 08:08 AM

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