Crimson CHOW #54 -The Precarious Rider
Hey guys! Final thread is now up. Sorry for not creating a brief that sparked more participation and getting the juices going, that's on me.  But there is still some time left!

Cheers @Lege1 i do really like pushing these pieces to a more clean finish it can be a blessing and a curse and you can get stuck putting lipstick on a pig when something really isnt working. I tend to internally challenge myself if something isnt working, for what ever reason, that i can salvage ad-hoc as i render. Sometimes it works and sometimes it really doesnt. But im working on trying to resolve these issue earlier on in the piece and rely less on putting out fires late my creation process. But that's why i also really love these CHOW's! There is no real rules and no judges picking the pieces apart for rule breaking or clients asking for ill-guided changes, its just a fun brief where we get to explore and test ourselves and just let your imagination run wild and create something cool and fun, if it becomes a portfolio piece then that's a nice bonus :). Kudos to you for clearly following suit and just having fun with it...i love it!


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RE: Crimson CHOW #54 -The Precarious Rider - by CBinnsIllustration - 08-01-2024, 02:51 AM

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