Look what the Sonoran wind just blew in!
Hello fellow earthlings and others.

Was trying to look through and comment on all the new postings here in SBs but need to move on — so if I missed yours — a thousand pardons and hope to catch you next time.


CG:  Thanks so much my friend.  I was glad to finally put some paint to that old Model-C draw'ring.  The ape is actually an older work I did when I was using photoshop and feeling my way around with it but stumbled on some happy 'accidents' on that one that I really liked.   

SmilingTI:  Thank you!  I feel a kindred spirit with the type of work you do — so I especially appreciate your encouraging words.

Thanks to both of you again!


On to some artz

Here's some art (New and OLD and a photo thrown in jus' because)

I had a lot of distractions this summer but was finally able to finish this first digital painting started LONG ago.

Here's the original digital doodle that began that one.

I happened across this old pastel I did when I was attending an open session drawing group and don't think I posted it anywhere before.

Was on our annual bunny drive — moving 100 to 200 of the meanest, orneriest cotton-tails from the Sonoran Valley to Carson.  Saw this purty cactus flowering and snapped a pic.  And people think the desert is nothing but a vast wasteland..... : )

Realized I've never posted my SB icon pic here.  I LOVE Frazetta (of course) and have done a lot of fantasy pics with his style in mind — this from 2019.  Sometimes I think I should focus more on that, but then again, I enjoy working in so many other styles too, so I just keep creatin' stuff I like.

Thanks fer schtoppin' by.

Ciao fer now, Daggers!


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RE: Look what the Sonoran wind just blew in! - by Jephyr - 08-08-2024, 01:15 PM

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