09-04-2024, 03:20 PM
@one_two - Thanks!
@darktiste - Haha, I draw and paint with traditional media 5 days a week all year for my regular job. I use digital for fun or some small freelance work. I wouldn't say I need to 'get back to it'.
@RottenPocket - Thanks!. I am approaching digital work from a very traditional mindset, unfortunately. In real life, we don't have undo and that is a real motivator to not make mistakes. I'm still working on it tho!
@darktiste - Haha, I draw and paint with traditional media 5 days a week all year for my regular job. I use digital for fun or some small freelance work. I wouldn't say I need to 'get back to it'.
@RottenPocket - Thanks!. I am approaching digital work from a very traditional mindset, unfortunately. In real life, we don't have undo and that is a real motivator to not make mistakes. I'm still working on it tho!
"... for drawing is a thinking person's art." - Walt Stanchfield.
"... for drawing is a thinking person's art." - Walt Stanchfield.