Crimson CHOW- Futuristic Falconer

1870s illustration of golden eagle falconers in Kazakhstan
This week's theme and brief by previous winner, JosephCow

Crimson Character of the week #55

-=Futuristic Falconer=-
I'm going to follow Lege's lead and challenge you guys (and myself) to come up with a concept following specific guidelines. Trying to emulate a design assignment you might need to complete, while still having some fun. Here's the brief:
Traditionally, hunters in Asia and parts of Europe hunted with trained birds. Falcons, eagles, etc. This practice is ancient and comes with a lot of tradition and cultural clothing and appearance. For example, the birds may have a decorated hood. The falconer would wear gauntlets. We are looking for a falconer character that fights enemies alongside a fierce bird. It should make some kind of allusion to traditional imagery and shape language BUT here's the twist: It's in the future. Whether you want to go with retro-future sci-fi like fallout, or something like Cyberpunk is up to you. But try to transpose the ancient hunter-with-bird archetype to a new, sci-fi context. The bird would likely be robotic, mechanical, or cyborg, for example. A hunter's gloves or gauntlets might be made of a synthetic material and contain a homing device.
  • Guidelines:
    • No photograph paint overs, must be 100% original work. (See next rule for exception)

    • 3D is permitted and renders MAY be used as whole or in part of a painting, as long as YOU created the work. Pre-made and/or purchased, online, assets are forbidden.

    • AI may be used in the ideation process, but the final image must be 100% hand-drawn.

    • Studies are recommended, but not required.

    • There is no restriction on image formats (horizontal, vertical, square).

    • Environment backgrounds are optional.

    • Keep in mind you are not required to stick to what is in the passage. It is more of a guide in terms of mood.

    • You must post at least one WIP in the WIP thread to be accepted into the final poll.

    • Finals must be posted in the finals thread before the deadline.

    • At least 3/4 of the character must be visible (minimum from the knees up).

    • Only ONE submission per person in the finals thread.

    • No fanart. We want to see your original, unique interpretations!

    • Voting will be held for 5 days after the deadline.

    • In an event of a tiebreaker, a winner will be chosen through a randomized name picker.

-+|| WIP THREAD ||
Deadline is Tuesday, October 8 @ UTC: 23:59


Messages In This Thread
Crimson CHOW- Futuristic Falconer - by JosephCow - 09-09-2024, 09:20 AM
RE: Crimson CHOW- Futuristic Falconer - by Lege1 - 09-10-2024, 04:28 AM
RE: Crimson CHOW- Futuristic Falconer - by Leo Ki - 09-10-2024, 09:10 AM
RE: Crimson CHOW- Futuristic Falconer - by Lege1 - 09-13-2024, 04:33 AM
RE: Crimson CHOW- Futuristic Falconer - by Lege1 - 09-13-2024, 08:46 AM

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