12-06-2024, 05:46 AM
yooo welcome back. If I may, I think there's a bit of discrepency about the U shape of her jaw vs the rest of her face. I think it would just be a little more straight. Looking at the jaw part, it feels like we are looking at a head facing directly up, but then we actually see quite a bit of her face.
I would maybe do something more like this? Made the jaw a little rounder, and neck a bit shorter as well. Probably still looks a little funky, I think you really need a solid reference especially to do the expression, since the frowning brows are kind of going contrary to their natural perspective, which is hard to do. Maybe take a photo of someone yourself and/or rotate a 3D model if the reference image you have doesn't have everything you need?
Apart from that, both feet seem a bit small. The left one, the leg is going away from us, but in the context of the scene it's not really further away enough to change it's size much.
The armour looks cool though, excited to see that rendered
I would maybe do something more like this? Made the jaw a little rounder, and neck a bit shorter as well. Probably still looks a little funky, I think you really need a solid reference especially to do the expression, since the frowning brows are kind of going contrary to their natural perspective, which is hard to do. Maybe take a photo of someone yourself and/or rotate a 3D model if the reference image you have doesn't have everything you need?
Apart from that, both feet seem a bit small. The left one, the leg is going away from us, but in the context of the scene it's not really further away enough to change it's size much.
The armour looks cool though, excited to see that rendered