my DEATHLINE duuunh dunh duuuuuh
Howdy Folks!

So this is my DeathLine starting as of July 19th, 2012!

1. Create a portfolio with a minimum of 10-12 pieces worthy of getting me into Safe House Atelier

2. This one is a little personal haha, GET A GIRLFRIEND (preferably a nice one) :D

3. Run a full Marathon OR break a 5 minute mile time.

These I believe are all doable, some a little harder than others, and I feel that these would all be big mile stones in my life if I could accomplish them

SO, I'm telling you guys, Don't let me slack! Love you, and I wish the bestest of luck with your own deathline goals!

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my DEATHLINE duuunh dunh duuuuuh - by CrashPoint - 10-11-2012, 08:06 AM

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