Seeking a partner/rival
Im looking for someone who is aiming to become a professional.Only requirement I have is that the person should be motivated and serious about it.I've had previous buddies that give up in a couple of days/weeks.Also be confident but not cocky.Mutual respect and be open to recieve and give suggestions.Tho I guess that is implied in the whole partner deal.
With all that said.My goals are to be an illustrator.Im not good at design,but I don't mind giving it a shot.Points of interest are urban culture ,video games and comics/manga.Im european so it's prefferable BUT not necessairy to be european as well.
In my sig there are links to my sketchbook and DA ,check it out and if you're interested in what you see, and like to do this thing with me ,drop me a message one way or another.In my profile there are various ways to do so.
Wish happy art times to you all.


Messages In This Thread
Seeking a partner/rival - by Rindoukan - 10-24-2012, 06:51 AM
RE: Seeking a partner/rival - by Fännek - 11-08-2012, 01:55 AM

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