10-28-2012, 07:57 AM
Zesiul, your latest post is really cool! I wish I could do portraits so easily..
Shyam, your two portraits are just..wow!
Here's what I've done so far, drawings are what I have the most issues with compared to paintings. Lines never forgive mistakes, whereas painting give more space to mistakes and readjusting. That's why I began with drawing :P
Those might not be the best ever, but I'm really happy because I've been able to make "believable" portraits, when I actually am never able to paint people the wy they look on photos/in reality.. :D This is already starting to help! ^^
Shyam, your two portraits are just..wow!
Here's what I've done so far, drawings are what I have the most issues with compared to paintings. Lines never forgive mistakes, whereas painting give more space to mistakes and readjusting. That's why I began with drawing :P
Those might not be the best ever, but I'm really happy because I've been able to make "believable" portraits, when I actually am never able to paint people the wy they look on photos/in reality.. :D This is already starting to help! ^^