01-24-2013, 06:23 PM
Im gonna go ahead and require EVERYONE to do what Erik did. great idea. when youre done with the first 3 (you all should be by now)- line them up on a dark background together. when your mordred is ready or close to ready (he should be by now) place him last. in chronological order- Arthur, Merlin, Morgane, Mordred. I wanna see those! im feeling better and should get to streaming as soon as tomorrow for mordred crits. LINE EM UP- were in the home stretch. for those of you (Ptimm) who did illustrations- I still wanna see them lined up. just shop them together side by side, and dont worry about a uniform bg color or anything. it makes it MUCH easier for me to review them all as one jpeg than to hunt everything down.
Great work everyone-especially thomas and erik on this last round.
Thomas- killin it with the new approach, it deserves more exploration!
Erik- I know that mordred crit got rough, you handled it like a pro! awesome execution on the changes, its one of your strongest as a result!
Great work everyone-especially thomas and erik on this last round.
Thomas- killin it with the new approach, it deserves more exploration!
Erik- I know that mordred crit got rough, you handled it like a pro! awesome execution on the changes, its one of your strongest as a result!