...And Another Dagger
Hi, guys. Thought I'd make a quick post to introduce myself.

This is difficult because I am a lurker by nature; I've never actively participated in an online forum before. But my goal is to try to improve with the help of other committed artists--I think that might be you guys. So here goes:

I work as a graphic designer/illustrator in the publishing industry (cheesy paranormal romance covers, anyone?) but I'd like to improve my draftmanship. And play with concept art a little bit. That's it! You game?

Messages In This Thread
...And Another Dagger - by whiskey - 03-12-2013, 10:23 AM
RE: ...And Another Dagger - by SpectreX - 03-12-2013, 06:54 PM
RE: ...And Another Dagger - by alexson - 03-12-2013, 08:43 PM
RE: ...And Another Dagger - by whiskey - 03-13-2013, 11:49 AM

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