Blending Modes vs Color Picker
Do not use the Burn/Dodge tool, as that just makes the program render the effect automatically, usually to an effect that's not desired. That being said the color picker alone isn't the only tool you have/can use to get some nice colors from whatever program you are using. The rule of them regarding that is, essentially, "Use what have to it's fullest capicity, not yours". If I'm saying that right...

So when it comes to blending, using your stock brush and futzing with the brush hardness, opacity and flow (and understanding that they make the brush look more solid/softer, more/less transparent, and blend better/worse respectively) is a safe bet at times (as well as knowing when to turn pressure sensitivity off? I dunno).

As far as blending modes? That tends to come from what you/people know painting themselves, I guess. I, myself, tend to try to simulate many water coloring methods in Photoshop, doing things like using a soft 20% opacity brush and some purple and blues over the entire canvas to create the 'Mystic' look. In the long run I'd say it matters from person to person.

I hope that helps. <.<

Messages In This Thread
Blending Modes vs Color Picker - by vices - 04-15-2013, 08:52 PM
RE: Blending Modes vs Color Picker - by Tyrus - 04-16-2013, 09:32 AM
RE: Blending Modes vs Color Picker - by vices - 04-24-2013, 10:41 PM

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