Help?! Perspective be difficult, yo.
eZTarg8: That's pretty much where I'm at. I can make guesstimates easy enough, but I'd like to know how to do it accurately as well. :-)

YOLOLEX: I knew it had something to do with a Station Point, but couldn't find a reliable source. Thanks for the tips, I'm looking them up now!

On the rotated object: I've figured out that they require a different set of vanishing points, but the questions remains on where those vp's should be. One theory is that in two point perspective, they carry over the degree at which the vp's meet. Just a theory for now though.

Blewzen: As YOLOLEX mentioned, unfortunately he doesn't cover the information I'm searching for in that dvd. I've watched and learnt much from that one though. He's an incredible teacher (and artist).


Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. :-)


Messages In This Thread
Help?! Perspective be difficult, yo. - by bdt466 - 05-03-2013, 02:40 PM
RE: Help?! Perspective be difficult, yo. - by bdt466 - 05-05-2013, 03:45 PM

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