06-03-2013, 07:15 AM
These are awesome, Sula! Been thinking about doing some like this myself since i rewatched Jason Manley's colour and light theory. Now my monitor isn't calibrated, so I'm not sure how accurate what I'm seeing is, so pinch of salt with the following! If I had any words of advice here, it seems the white study sees to be using a lot of pure white.... the toilet roll seems to have the same kind of highlight brightness as the shiny flower-shaped container (a mixing palette? not sure...). It's almost like the study is still a little high key? And I really like how you're starting to get those variations in the subtle grays in, so you get a whole spectrum of colour even in white, but I think it could be pushed more? Was trying to find an image that summed it up for me, but struggled... this was the closest I could find: http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5275/5900...3b688d.jpg - it's like everything is still white, but the colour variation is pushed more so everything feels more... tactile somehow? Hope that's making sense. The black study suffers a little from the same thing, maybe an overuse of the very darkest blacks, but less so than the white.