deathline goals for my daily routine
Well, two simple goals and I already haven't stuck to the second one <:| geez

1. My goal is to draw or paint every day, and then every night to look at what I did for the day to see if I'm improving or if I'm doing the same day after day

2. My second goal is that every day, try to increase my knowledge or expand my imagination a little- at least a little. For example, I looked at a shakespeare play on youtube a couple days ago, and today I just looked up cowboys on wikipedia and I'm going to try to read it

I'm not sure if its Dan who gave this advice, but I'm pretty sure, but the advise is that you have to feel uncomfortable in order to learn something new, and something like: we are comfort-seeking human beings and we don't usually like to change our ways and habits. I heard it a few days ago from now and it's really helping to try new things and improve.

I eventually want to be able to render out anything from my imagination. I hope I don't get too old age before I reach half way :(

I made this blog yesterday to use as a sketchbook journal, or something I can archive my work in. It's to help me keep see if I am improving slowly

The company of the Crimson Daggers on livestream helps me to stay motivated

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deathline goals for my daily routine - by Dan_yell - 02-26-2012, 01:09 AM

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