Need Opinion About this illustration
I also agree to greyskill. It might be good if you introduced another colur, which draws the focus, like red (which is common on nazi-flags). Consindering this is an hotel, you could think about it's background. Zhe fisrt thing that came to my mind was: Why are there no signs of humans? Was it abandoned a long time ago? Why? Maybe a shooting happened, and there would be traces like a destroyed wall. Also there might be a way to add more seasonal nature, like fallen leaves.
Especially if you design an hotel, there could be some decorations, like red flags on top of the building, that draw the watchers attention.

Messages In This Thread
Need Opinion About this illustration - by oxiso - 06-20-2013, 11:39 PM
RE: Need Opinion About this illustration - by greyskill - 06-21-2013, 12:24 AM
RE: Need Opinion About this illustration - by SplIDsecond - 06-23-2013, 02:51 AM

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