Artefact anathema
Thanks dude. Much obliged.
Especially for taking the time with the paint over on the second image.
Great call on the symbol showing up somewhere on the ruins too. I should have thought about that. A tad afraid it might be too much as the same symbol is on the dude's back, but maybe partially weathered out on some block of stone might work out better than anything.

Ow yeah, the dude coming out of the ruins is same "culture" as the guardians. The guardians are artifact creatures molded after the warrior caste there. So they are related (also the same symbol on the guardians is tattooed on his back). He's like some ex warrior sort of secret weapon (to put it in stereotypical terms) that's been kept leashed all the time and manages to make his way to the surface after the downfall of the city and the failings of the wards keeping him in check. Artifacts being his specialty I was going for the relaxed look.

Again, thanks a lot. I really appreciate it.
In my head everything is crystal clear but it's only by asking you people that I can figure out how things read. After all, I'm just as interested in how art is interpreted as I am on how it is created.

Messages In This Thread
Artefact anathema - by lake7less - 06-24-2013, 05:54 AM
RE: Artefact anathema - by warmics - 06-26-2013, 10:46 PM
RE: Artefact anathema - by lake7less - 06-27-2013, 01:19 AM

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