07-03-2013, 06:00 AM
Really inspirational stuff you've got here!
When I first picked up drawing I went straight to digital, so I have the opposite
problem many tend to have (my abilities worsen noticeably as I go over to pencil and paper).
I'm so used to all the conveniences from the digital medium, but a physical sketchbook is
definitely easier to just bring with you and use on the go.
You're tempting me to dust the sketchbook I have and start using it more regularly. =)
When I first picked up drawing I went straight to digital, so I have the opposite
problem many tend to have (my abilities worsen noticeably as I go over to pencil and paper).
I'm so used to all the conveniences from the digital medium, but a physical sketchbook is
definitely easier to just bring with you and use on the go.
You're tempting me to dust the sketchbook I have and start using it more regularly. =)