07-04-2013, 10:07 PM
Hey all, I thought I'd finally get something up for my Summer Pitch!
It's basically going to be a PC-Board Game, players of HeroQuest will be familiar with what I want to achieve!
I want the game to be very customisable to the user, so before I even get into the gameplay side of things, I'm currently working on a Dungeon Editor for players to make their own Dungeons to play in. The Dungeon Editor will allow players to craft their own set of dungeon, populate it with monsters, hidden treasure, traps and all that good stuff!
I also plan to make a Monster Editor for player to make their own monsters, customising stats, loot and even the option to load in their own graphics, or use the pre-made ones.
.gif of the Dungeon Editor:
(Made link as it was making the page load slow)
I'll keep you guys update with how I progress! There's not much in the art side of things, just a lot of technical stuff for now!