Hey, I'm an illustrator originally from Halifax, Nova Scotia and currently residing in Toronto.

Found this place on Reddit /illustration, and I love the self-improvement community vibe going on. Seems like a great mix of skill here, and just seems like a real positive environment. Also: it feels nice to visit a message board again and break out of the social media trap for a bit.

You can check out my stuff at http://lazerhorse.com, or better yet on my tumblr (which is updated more frequently) http://lazerhorse.tumblr.com. I do a lot of 80s comic/cult film themed work. Its a bit niche but I love it.

I came here because I want to work on the fundamentals. I love all of the assignments that people have on here, and look forward to participating in them.

But I also came here because on Reddit there was some word of general industry knowledge being shared. Illustration is a difficult field to work in, and any bit of advice from anyone making a living off it is super helpful.

Anyhow, bottom line is: You all seem cool, lets be friends!

Messages In This Thread
Hey! - by lazerhorse - 07-09-2013, 08:20 AM
RE: Hey! - by smrr - 07-10-2013, 10:30 AM
RE: Hey! - by lazerhorse - 07-28-2013, 07:16 AM

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