PACT *Professional Artist-Client Toolkit*
Hello everyone.

First off, we would like to thank everyone who has thus far supported this little grass-roots project. From those of you who have believed in our goals enough to commit to memberships, or have purchased larger items or mentoring sessions. And of course all the generous support from the artists who have donated their wares to this fundraising effort. Without you all we would not be where we are today.

Where are we today, anyhow? Well, it's been a long and hard battle to get us to this point. Countless hours by the well-oiled team of 5 volunteer organizers have gotten us to a little over halfway to the goal with only a few days remaining to fund this initiative. At this point things are both hopeful and bleak. There has been a lot of late momentum built and support garnered. The 320+ members we have reached validate the aims of the project. The bleak part is the gap remaining to be crossed with little time remaining. We need everyone's help to reach the goal and create a little island of hope and force for change in this difficult and changing profession.

Thus far a few themes have arisen that should be dealt with here for clarity, for those on the fence. First off, we need to reiterate that PACT is not a business or for-profit venture. As volunteers in this effort, nothing is more deflating than to hear criticism of "get a loan and fund the business yourself," or, "what am I guaranteed to get from this??" On the surface, both seem like valid criticisms. The reality is that the founders of PACT are undertaking this effort completely free and at considerable risk; standing up before (but not against) companies and practices that are harming the industry and its artists. PACT is raising funds to create the infrastructure for a set of initial and evolving tools and dialogue. These include the client rating system, database of contracts, legal advice and newsfeed. These are our initial ideas, and we assume once the "home base" is established, the community will help facilitate and evolve PACT's form and its effectiveness. All the members have unique experience that we NEED as a collective. Everyone who has volunteered their time or product to raise funds deserves respect and the benefit of doubt. Every endeavour will have naysayers for various reasons with various agendas. We understand to some PACT may not seem like your best 29$ investment. In that case, please spend that 29$ on a better career-sustaining tool... and then tell us what that was and where we can get one as well!

Digital technology, globalization, competition, de-regulation and fragmenting of professional structures has created a new world where anyone who produces a product that can be digitized and e-mailed now works in an environment without boundaries or standards. The genie is out of the bottle and we all must find a way to survive in this environment. PACT aims to be a voice in the din of this new era; a place where freelancers can go and not be alone in their struggle to carve out a living as respected professionals. At this point PACT has done almost all it can to get the word out and motivate its members. These last few days are critical to get us to the funding goal, so please support and promote this movent the best you can.


PACT organizing committee.

The latest on Art PACT. This is in all our favors. Thinking of number one and thinking that all you need to do is "get better" doesn't cut it anymore. All you'll be doing is investing time painting a masterpiece for is business and has nothing to do with your brush stroke quality.

So, let's cut the bullshit, go out one evening less, don't get that bucket of ice cream to fatten your ass, or eat those damn chips...All this project needed is 1551 artists pitching in $29 to fund this...we have more people talking in forums about the new bullshit airbrush they bought or the ultra magic formula paint tube that'll make them awesome, just to ask then how to paint penises...Get your heads together, $29 to help support the profession and the future of your career is nothing...Otherwise, just go sell chewing gum dammit!

Messages In This Thread
PACT *Professional Artist-Client Toolkit* - by Michael Syrigos - 06-13-2013, 12:45 PM
RE: PACT *Professional Artist-Client Toolkit* - by Michael Syrigos - 06-14-2013, 01:28 AM
RE: PACT *Professional Artist-Client Toolkit* - by Michael Syrigos - 06-16-2013, 06:06 AM
RE: PACT *Professional Artist-Client Toolkit* - by Michael Syrigos - 07-16-2013, 07:53 AM
RE: PACT *Professional Artist-Client Toolkit* - by Michael Syrigos - 07-16-2013, 04:59 PM

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