07-30-2013, 03:49 AM
Thank you monkey this means allot to me and it helps allot. You are right... I guess I am trying to make these paintings interesting and to tell a story and that is why I cram up a bunch of stuff in it and destroy the composition... When I look at all the pro LOTC and MTG cards they are kinda boring... It is always just a character standing with a boring camera angles and boring poses... Even my number one hero Brad Rigney does it... I try to have a bunch of stuff happening in a painting but those formats are really tricky to work with and then I fail... Plus its really hard for me to get better at composition and design... In my head it's like: HOW!? But I know I will try and do my best... Your advice really helped as always... Now I know where to concentrate next... And btw you think that these paintings are not good enough for Applibot right? Be honest plz...