Time under the microscope
So the idea here is that everyday i post my time spend on contructive activity and that i respect the period of time that i try to achive.

Ok so here my shedule(yeah i plan to add more time in drawing so keep asking me to rise the bar that will just remember me not to sit on a comfortable schedule and stay at the same point for to long).

7:40am to 8:00am/Duration 20min/Description: Good morning Daggers .Alarm clock time yeah i it hard for me to wake up sometime

8:00am to 8:10am/Duration 10min/Description: Breakfest

8:10am to 8:25am/Duration 15min/Description:Exercise

8:25am to 8:40am/Duration 15min/Description:Shower

8:40am to 8:55am/Duration 15min/Description:
Meditation(clear away bad dream or negativy if i wake up with a bad mood)

9:05am to 9:35am/Duration 45min/Description:ON paper drawing(pratice)

9:40am to 10:15am/Duration 30min/Description:Sitimulate my imagination(Reading)

10:15am to 10:35am/Duration 20min/Description:Digital Drawing(experimentation or project)

10:35 to 11:55 am/Duration 1h20/Description:Drawing personal project(digital or tradional art)

11:55 am to 12:55/Duration 1h/Description:Youtube tutorial(watch and try)

12:55 to 13:35/Duration 40h/Description:Pratice or personal project

13:35 to 13:40/Duration 5min/Description:pause

13:40 to 15:00/Duration 1h20min/Description:Drawing but just draw

15:00 end of the day(next step finish at 16:00)

This how my statisic look like for the first week minus monday

Conclusion of the first week:

Tutorial: was needed a lot so it why we see a lot of excess there

Time lost:really hard to focus when i am looking for tutorial also spend a lot of my time think on how to improve by going to the forum(not a waste of time but i am suppose to be doing art and i have the bad habit of procrastination so the forum is not a place for me to be.But being on the forum sometime is like doing a tutorial looking at someone piece or commenting someone help me better understand my own work)Also sometime you need to stop working because you reach some imaginary limit you have at that moment and i call it the determination mark.

Drawing:Increasing but it still under the objective mark(the graphic under the graphic)

Drawing P:seem to be stable but need to be increase to reach the objective mark

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Messages In This Thread
Time under the microscope - by darktiste - 08-16-2013, 06:00 AM
RE: Time under the microscope - by darktiste - 08-29-2013, 06:27 AM
RE: Time under the microscope - by darktiste - 09-04-2013, 05:18 AM
RE: Time under the microscope - by darktiste - 09-11-2013, 01:41 AM
RE: Time under the microscope - by darktiste - 09-16-2013, 11:05 PM
RE: Time under the microscope - by darktiste - 09-21-2013, 05:22 AM
RE: Time under the microscope - by darktiste - 10-02-2013, 03:53 PM
RE: Time under the microscope - by Heliux - 01-01-2014, 08:56 AM
RE: Time under the microscope - by darktiste - 01-02-2014, 01:51 AM
RE: Time under the microscope - by Heliux - 01-02-2014, 01:14 PM

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