missimoinsane digital painting improvements :3
[Image: mark_making_value_study_sparrow_fremsley...6ij6u3.jpg]

Ok, so after the advice from fellow Dagger JonHop on how to paint values I decided to attempt it. But I figured I'd go totally outside of my comfort zone and attempt not only monochrome and values but also mark making and a non humanoid subject (aka a sparrow... let's call him Fremsley!! - "Fremsley.. That's a nice name, for a sparrow")

Anyways. Its an attempt it's 2-3 hours of playing in Photoshop CS5 with Wacom Bamboo Pen and Touch using regular CS5 brushes. While listening to Neurotic Fish (EBM).

Let me discuss the images at the top...
1A. We have the sketchy line art.
2B. Attempt at values with sketchy line art.
3B. Values with out the line art.
4C. Mark making while thinking about values with the line art.
5C. Mark making while thinking about values with out line art.
6D. Finished rendered up piece (with no feet).

The bottom left image is that of the line art and using a ray brush that *T00xicpanda gave me (her personal brush set) I tried to work following a light source and shapes (as JonHop demonstarated for me earlier).

Finally the main image, which now includes feet. Feet... not so great, but I think that's more down to my dodgy drawing skills as appose colouring. Also added a shadow on the "ground" just to ground it a bit and make it feel less like a bird randomly floating lol... :)

As for my personal thoughts... I am happy with this piece. It's an improvement on my previous works and I personally feel that while it's not perfect it's a step in the right direction. Again very pleased with myself.... more so for also stepping out of my comfort of humanoids lol and trying something different. Although this piece slightly makes me want to reattempt 'red eyed tree frogs' as that was done with laptop touch pad before I got my tablet. I digress. Over all enjoyed myself.. which I think more than anything else is the point of creating... soooo yey me!! lol.

[Image: sparrow_fremsley_by_missimoinsane-d6ij77x.jpg]

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RE: mii: Struggling to improve digital "paintings" - Help? - by missimoinsane - 08-18-2013, 02:24 AM
RE: missimoinsane digital painting improvements :3 - by FROZ3N - 09-29-2015, 09:14 PM

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