missimoinsane digital painting improvements :3
I really can't be bothered with this kitty piece any longer. I have tried and I am very disappointed in myself :'( As said I am no good at drawing, painting or colouring cats/kittens - especially fur. So this is something I really need to work on.

Right... Another free commission I digitally painted this kitten wallpaper image (hoping that it's not copyrighted) ~ couple of issues with this 'reference' image. First it is extremely poor quality to say that it is a desktop wallpaper!! It's very pixelated and blurry and it's hard to tell what's what. Second it's hard to tell where background ends and kitten starts. This is of course of no reflection on the request I am just criticizing the original image slightly!! Mostly because I'm not pleased with what I created... I may at some point come back and revisit this image if my furry skills improve!!

On and off for about 8-9 hours over the space of 28 hours.
Brushes are CS5 and downloaded ones from `DanLuVisiArt on dA

Not got much to say. Trying to work with values was extremely difficult. I did even try doing this as a none colour piece... But even that wasn't working. Yes the wings could be better I guess but to be honest I'm fed up with this piece now since the kitten hasn't turned out well. Pfft.

- Disappointed.

[Image: aveneline_kitty_wings_by_missimoinsane-d6ir5ha.jpg]

If anyone wishes to help me learn this of course you can comment here or I opened a thread specifically about this here: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3842.html

Thank you all In love

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RE: mii: Struggling to improve digital "paintings" - Help? - by missimoinsane - 08-19-2013, 12:19 PM
RE: missimoinsane digital painting improvements :3 - by FROZ3N - 09-29-2015, 09:14 PM

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