WiP - It just doesn't look right. Critiques welcome
Hi all, this is my first time posting in here. It would be fantastic if anyone could comment on/critique/rip to shreds this WiP.

It's a fairly simple idea, the character is possibly going to be part of a bigger idea I have going at the moment. This character started life as a human but was mutated due to the fallout from a nuclear war. He's now forced to live out in the wastelands of the old world, shunned by other humans because of his appearance. He survives by hunting and killing whatever he can find, especially humans.

Right, that's a little rough history on the character. Now for the image itself.

Something just doesn't look right about it to me, especially with the abdominal muscles and the loin cloth folds, so if anybody has any suggestions about those specific areas it would be very much appreciated. The other main thing that needs to change is the background, it's way too dark, and certainly isn't a wasteland setting. But I have no idea what to do for it. So far I haven't touched the lower body past a basic blocking in of values.

Any other comments anybody can make on the painting are also very much welcomed.

[Image: Creature_WiP_zps301a3f64.jpg]

Sorry for the long post, I hope it doesn't put people off replying.


Messages In This Thread
WiP - It just doesn't look right. Critiques welcome - by Chachava - 08-22-2013, 01:44 AM

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