WiP - It just doesn't look right. Critiques welcome
Definitely some anatomy issues stemming from the placement of the arm and the musculature. Both the tricep and bicep look to be flexed at the same time. The use of light is not working either. If your light source is present on the page, it -should- be the brightest object in the picture. Rules can be bent of course, but in this case its a bit too much and is flattening out your piece.

A clear sky with a massive full moon would be quite bright. The contrast of your figure would be much stronger and darker. I would suggest backing the moon up and adding some atmosphere in front of it such as clouds/mist.

There are a couple of 'wolfman' nude male poses on Deviantart in the Resource/Stock section which would really help push this into greatness. Right now the stiffness of the figure is adding to that feeling of 'wrong' you are getting.


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RE: WiP - It just doesn't look right. Critiques welcome - by Mike Tenebrae - 08-22-2013, 04:59 AM

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