WiP - It just doesn't look right. Critiques welcome
Saying all of this without any hint of shame.

As you pointed out, the loin cloth is a bit off. In their-wave like flow of bending the cloth comes off as too symetrical, flattening the depth of the picture a bit between his legs. Due to the amount of folds, too, it gives off the idea that the loin cloth itself is rather thin and easily shaped like a silky sleeve (and to that end, we'd probably see his penis). Lastly, because neither leg fades into the background we have now way of telling which leg is closer to us/the viewer.

To fix all of these all you'd need to do is change the outline of one of the legs (or redraw parts of it) while either redoing the lointh's design in a more natural look (in a comic book hero-esque sense, where it drapes and hides all while whipping a bit, like a cock cape) or go for a different, flatter, stronger material (what Frank Frazetta often did). Either way, it's that itself is very fixable.

Aside from the oddites that Star Eater pointed out, too, the picture isn't bad. Completed, this should look marvelous.

Messages In This Thread
RE: WiP - It just doesn't look right. Critiques welcome - by Tyrus - 08-22-2013, 04:28 PM

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