missimoinsane digital painting improvements :3
Hey darktiste,

Thank you for your words, I have calmed down some what now and watched the videos (plus others by the same YT user). Thank you for that. I am taking a break and in doing so working out other things in my life that need to be resolved and trying to get back into a good mind set and find some inner peace lol - oh dear. That said I've done the odd bit of crafting this past few days and been reorganising my craft room as well as doing some more stuff in the house and generally sitting back and looking at other work or more to the point others working... livestream/youtube. I'm not sure if it helps. But I'm now looking at what I created in a more positive mind set. Such as "well the hair is impressive, the lines are not too shoddy, the lighting could definitely be better, the closest eye should be brighter, there should be more contrast, she should look more like she's in the scene and not pasted over the top of one... that sort of thing. " ~ So being able to actually pick fault with my work and know what's wrong and not just be all RARRRRR I think is better. But thank you very much for putting up with me and as always your lovely advice :) Take care and hope to hear from you soon :)

Imogen x

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RE: mii: Struggling to improve digital "paintings" - Help? - by missimoinsane - 08-26-2013, 12:02 AM
RE: missimoinsane digital painting improvements :3 - by FROZ3N - 09-29-2015, 09:14 PM

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