Chantal's digital portfolio
Here are a few new pieces, short story covers for a literary magazine. They will be in black and white in the magazine, but some of them I thought would make nicer portfolio pieces in color. I just made sure that they read well in b&w.
[Image: llama_cfournier.png]
The Last Llama Exterus

[Image: marchevesperal_cfournier.png]
The Vesperal Market, because you never have too much tentacle.

[Image: lafuite_cfournier.png]
The Escape, I never thought I would have to paint a trash chute.

Also, I recently learned that I would be part of the Showcase at Illuxcon in Allentown PA. If you are there, come by and say hi!


Messages In This Thread
Chantal's digital portfolio - by ChantalFournier - 07-10-2013, 11:34 AM
RE: Chantal's digital portfolio - by Ignatz - 07-14-2013, 06:09 AM
RE: Chantal's digital portfolio - by ChantalFournier - 09-03-2013, 09:17 AM

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