09-04-2013, 10:51 AM
Hi Everyone! My name is Kinga Szopinska. I am currently attending a community college in Chicago and hoping to transfer to a 4 year University to study Illustration. I have enjoyed art for as long as I can remember and love to work in great detail. Although I am often doubtful about my ability to become successful in the art field, I have no doubts that this is what makes me the happiest. I signed up for crimsondaggers.com about two months ago after a Facebook friend suggested it as a good way to communicate about art ideas and give some exposure to my art. However, I just got around to using it now. So far, I am very excited to see the motivation in this online community and I would love for it to rub off on me too! :p I hope that by using this site, I will be able to improve my skills as well as learn ways to get commissions and advice about my future :)