Comic artist looking for more :)
Hello Jon!

Wow a lurker for a few years!! I'm glad you finally decided to join in :)

I'm sure you'll find most artists at some point have doubts about what they're doing, if it's right, where they want to take it and generally all that stuff. Though if you already work as a comic book artist (professionally) I'm pretty sure you know you're stuff and you're good at what you do. Especially given some of the big names there like DC, Marvel and Disney!! WOW!!

And aww how cute a child and a wife. Seems like you have a fantastic life. But if you're not happy then I guess you need to make some changes... like setting up yourself creating your own published work be it comics, book illustrations, film or other wise. So I really do wish you all the best with that!! I look forward to watching your journey and seeing how you grow... especially if you post on here :D That would be amazing to follow you and be inspired!

Keep in touch, don't lurk in the shadows and remember have fun :)

Cya around ~mii

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Messages In This Thread
Comic artist looking for more :) - by IronOdin - 09-05-2013, 09:57 PM
RE: Comic artist looking for more :) - by Prabu - 09-06-2013, 03:52 AM
RE: Comic artist looking for more :) - by missimoinsane - 09-07-2013, 09:29 AM
RE: Comic artist looking for more :) - by IronOdin - 09-07-2013, 10:39 AM

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