missimoinsane digital painting improvements :3
If you want advice on that making a post in the critique section might be a good idea! Also, if you're asking for crits it would be a good idea to post a higher-res image of all of the part you want critique on. I went ahead and did a paintover for ya though.

[Image: E8u0q3P.jpg]

Most of the issues are about getting the perspective and proportions of the head right. The biggest problem IMO was her lower mouth. The ideal proportion divides the face into perfect thirds: the chin to the bottom of the nose, the bottom of the nose to the brow, and the brow to the hairline. The lowest section in the warrior's head was too long according to that guide. Maybe this character was supposed to have a rather large chin, but I think it was so big it looked cartoony, and you seem to be going for realism.
Her right eye (on the viewer's left) was too far away from the center of the head, as was the ear, so I moved that whole side in a bit more.
I redrew her lips, as Darktiste said they were slanted wrong in perspective. They also looked like we were seeing them straight-on, even though we're looking up at the rest of the head.
That's it for drawing crits! I also made the shadows a touch darker and killed the light in places where light shouldn't be able to hit, like her ear and shirt collar. I don't know too much about color and light though, that's just stuff I would have done XD

Good luck on this piece! the Proko videos txchris linked to you are golden for learning this head construction stuff.


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RE: mii: Struggling to improve digital "paintings" - Help? - by Samszym - 09-07-2013, 10:15 AM
RE: missimoinsane digital painting improvements :3 - by FROZ3N - 09-29-2015, 09:14 PM

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