missimoinsane digital painting improvements :3
(09-07-2013, 10:41 AM)Samszym Wrote: Hey no problem, glad I could help :D

Hey Sam just wanted to say thank you again. I will (later) be working on the face of the piece and keeping in mind what you said about proportions and such. See if I can't improve. Thank you again for what you said and the paint over!! :)

(09-07-2013, 12:55 PM)brianjohnson Wrote: Just wanted to stop by and THANK YOU for your kind words in my SB.

I'd like to see a bit more line work in your sketchbook to see how you're approaching the construction of your works. As Sam mentioned in his post, there are a few perspective issues with the latest work, and ideally these things should be resolved before diving into colors.

With regards to colors...you seem a bit tentative when choosing your own colors, and your value range is a bit on the high side. You studies (love the birds!) show nice value, and color range, and I would love to see a bit more of that in your characters.

I have had the same issues with colors, and values, and recently I built a handful of palettes to improve the variety of colors that I use for a given image, while limiting the range, as the color wheel can be very intimidating. Each palette is limited to 256 colors, and then I use the color wheel primarily to tweak values.

Hey Brian,

Thank you for what you said. As for my line work. I tend to work straight from my sketches (refined sketches) in most cases but sure if that's something you want to see. I will (next time) try putting together some sketches of my work and try to do a progression to show how I'm doing that for sure. I have a number of things I wona crack on and finish before starting my next piece and such so might be a lil wait but I'll try and remember to let you know when I do.

As for making palettes. Yes I tried this and it turned out terribly. In fact most often when people crit about my lighting and values is when I'm working from a palette. Hmm. But I'll try and work on that more. Yesterday my new book order arrived which is "Color and Light by James Gurney" so I have a bit of reading to do but this weekend is hectic and not sure when I'll find the time for art - despite that's what I'd much rather be doing!!

Yes I am still learning or relearning to do values correctly. But it's a process I'm working towards. I'm thinking I shouldn't have maybe offered to do the "free commission" stuff and done some more birds. But then I'd probably not have learned somethings, met some people and built some relationships so in nearly all ways I'm pleased for the progress and the assistance that's come from others with improving.

But I will, as always, try to work on people suggestions.

Thank you for visiting my sketchbook ~ that's most kind of you. And I look forward to more from you. You have a birdy sketch (one of your first posts) I'd love to see what you do with that!!


(09-07-2013, 03:18 PM)crackedskull Wrote: Keep it up Miss!

Thank you, as always :D <3

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RE: mii: Struggling to improve digital "paintings" - Help? - by missimoinsane - 09-07-2013, 11:34 PM
RE: missimoinsane digital painting improvements :3 - by FROZ3N - 09-29-2015, 09:14 PM

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