09-15-2013, 06:59 AM
Nah man, it's not completely unsalvageable, I just thought you had a brief to work to so it confused me why you left them out of the thumbs. It's totally fine, and with personal work I often just wing it with no thumbs and add stuff as I go, but with these paintings I also am very ready to scrap major portions and change gears if it isn't working. The difference is that the things I add always stem from things that might improve the actual picture itself which include reworking a comp completely to encorporate a new idea if it needs it. With this piece you picked a comp, then are trying to bolt on additions including ideas that majorly change the focus of the piece. It can work, but you are basically restricting yourself from really exploring the new ideas. If you really want to be cautious what you can do is add a new layer and then draw ideas over the original first. Not paint, just line drawing. It's easy to test lots of ideas quickly this way