Desirulz's Sketchbook Crituqe/Advice Wanted
Edit : Photobucket got me good so go to the last page for newest drawings.

[Image: I5nz6DH.jpg]

Hi I'm new to the forum and and i want to learn to draw in a cartoon/realistic style and become an illustrator and i have no idea where to start but i have been drawing Antho stuff and painting but i know nothing about about color and light at all. i would like some advice and maybe some good books to start and i also suck at composition but i am willing to learn i am self taught also.

With out further ado here is my art


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Desirulz's Sketchbook Crituqe/Advice Wanted - by desirulz123 - 09-22-2013, 10:09 AM

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